Description - what you see
For this critique we see two different images that were taken during the great depression of 1929 and produced by the “Farm Security Administration”. In the black and white image we see a woman sitting down. She’s holding in her arm a young infant and a young kid is leaning on her shoulder. They are set up in what seems to be the countryside.
In the second picture we could see a couple and the image is coloured. They are standing in front of a fence and they also seem to be in the country. In the background of the picture we could see a very dramatic sky.
For this critique we see two different images that were taken during the great depression of 1929 and produced by the “Farm Security Administration”. In the black and white image we see a woman sitting down. She’s holding in her arm a young infant and a young kid is leaning on her shoulder. They are set up in what seems to be the countryside.
In the second picture we could see a couple and the image is coloured. They are standing in front of a fence and they also seem to be in the country. In the background of the picture we could see a very dramatic sky.
Intention - what you think the photographer intended
I think that the photographer intended with these two images to impact us emotionally. In both pictures we are brought to look directly at the subjects right away and then look at their surroundings. I believe that the background that the photographer used in these two images adds to a feeling of distress.
Interpretation - your reaction to the photograph
I think that the black and white image has a greater emotional impact. The subjects look like they are going through a harder time than the subjects in the coloured one. The soil in the background of the black and white image looks like it’s not fertile. All those elements together add to the distress that this family seems to be going through.
I think that the black and white image has a greater emotional impact. The subjects look like they are going through a harder time than the subjects in the coloured one. The soil in the background of the black and white image looks like it’s not fertile. All those elements together add to the distress that this family seems to be going through.
Evaluation - your assessment of the images success
In my opinion I believe that the black and white image is more dramatic looking. I believe that if that same image would be in colour it would not have the same impact that it has in black and white.
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